Luxury hotels

We are headquartered in France which means we are contracted from all your favorite 5-star properties in Paris, Cannes, Nice, and Monaco.
This does not stop us! We are a truly global agency. Our services extend to Europe (England, France, Greece, Italy, Spain) and The United States.
It is important to know here while we can accommodate any request, our strength is mainly in 5 stars properties.

Apartments and villas

Looking for a more personal escape? We provide high-end, fully furnished rental vacation homes and villas along the French Riviera and all over the world.


We provide all kinds of transportation to make your travel plans easier, at the budget you are looking for.

  • Luxury Cars: this can range from airport-to-hotel transfer or full-day car use. All our cars are new and maintained, and accompanied by a private chauffeur
  • Private Jets: turn commercial into private by chartering a jet using our service. We provide you with a seamless experience for your journey
  • Private Yachts: we provide you with the highest quality yachts available and our experience guarantees the smoothest ride that can be offered on board
  • Buses: traveling with a group? We operate high quality, comfortable and modern vehicles to suit your every need


We offer meet and greet services in major cities around the world to make your airport journey something to look forward to. Whether you are traveling alone or with your family, we will give you a fast-tracked, smooth and safe passage through the airport at arrival and departure.


All our tours are uniquely crafted to ensure we offer you and your loved ones an exceptional experience at the highest standard and best package available.


Discover our top cruise deals suitable for adults and families alike. Our offers have something for everyone whether short breaks or long escapes.


We take the hassle of making reservations away from you by ensuring all your bookings are done at your request. You do not have to miss out on trying that famous restaurants or worry about not finding tickets to an exciting show or concert.

  1. Concert Tickets
  2. Restaurant reservations
  3. Special requests